End of Terrace Modern 'cottage'

The illustration is of the South-facing End of Terrace modern ‘cottage’ of 1967 in Herts.
This 150 m.2 3/4 bed, 2/3 storey dwelling has extended to the rear and side to 2010 Building Regs standards but the main structure is poorly insulated with unfilled cavity walls and 100 mm isocyanurate roof insulation. Nevertheless it performs better than OFGEM’s ‘typical’ British house that uses 12,000 kWh of gas and 3,000 kWh of electricity every year.
This house used only 9,000 kWh gas in 2022 and 4,000 kWh of electricity. Approximately half the electricity use was to charge an electric vehicle to travel over 8,000 miles

End of Terrace modern ‘cottage’ of 1967 in Herts. The rear single storey extension can be seen with rooflights in the LH illustration and the ‘open plan’ with an open staircase can be seen in the lower RH illustration.
The external view shows the extensive unfilled cavity ‘end of terrace’ wall and the 2 storey side extension that has a bathroom on the 1st floor. Because only the bedrooms and bathrooms have their own separating doors the house has to be ‘centrally heated’.
For these reasons its satisfactory performance is surprising. The analysis of improvements to the insulation of the 1967 cavity walls in the next slide suggests the effect would only be marginal with an improvement of only 20%